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.pdf Drawing
9036-DEC18DB Disc Bearing 18" .dwg 2004 Drawing
9036-DEC24DB Disc Bearing 24" .dwg 2004 Drawing
9036-DEC30DB Disc Bearing 30" .dwg 2004 Drawing
9036-DEC36DB Disc Bearing 36" .dwg 2004 Drawing
9036-DEC18BB Ball Bearing 18" .dwg 2004 Drawing
9036-DEC24BB Ball Bearing 24" .dwg 2004 Drawing
9036-DEC30BB Ball Bearing 30" .dwg 2004 Drawing
9036-DEC36BB Ball Bearing 36" .dwg 2004 Drawing
Technical Data
Technical Data
Half surface strap hinge with an mortised pintle leaf for mounting to the inside of the door frame. The pintle pin is located at the edge of the opening. This type of pintle leaf offers for a better security alternative than a #9035 style hinge.