12/20# Rail Leveling Plate @30"OC w. Conc. Anchor

Item: CRRL

EA (1)

• Used to level CRR20 type rail when embedding the rail into the ground.

• Once leveling plates are in place, CRR20 Rail is welded to the leveling plate.

• Spacing between leveing plates is recommended at 30" centers.

• Leveling shims are by others.



30" On Center Spacing.

Technical Data

Technical Data

To provide a level surface to attach #CRR Bottom Roller Rail to at 30" centers (36" Centers Maximum).

Fasteners Included: (2 ea.) 3/8" x 5" Fully Threaded Concrete Anchors, Zinc.
5/8" Flat Washer shims to level the #CRRL Leveling Plate NOT Included.

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